Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Potty Training 101...

I've been writing so much about poop that I'm thinking of changing the name of this blog to the poopoo corner and coloring the background brown. Anyway, Zack is almost 2 and I'm considering potty training. (I was thinking about getting him a potty for one of his presents! Or do I not use a little potty and make him use the big toilet?) I have some pretty good indications that he is ready: He likes to try to pull down his pants when he is in the bathroom or sees someone else go. He also always says "I poopoo" and then grabs his butt. Or he grabs our hand and takes us to his changing table b/c he doesn't like to sit in it. I think these are pretty good signs to start the whole process, but I don't know where to begin. So, I am asking all of you mothers to give me your advice. Please keep in mind though that I am not home all day so also consider how you involved your husbands and others with the process. (Matt is really good at these things.) Thanks everyone!


Ashley said...

Woohoo! Lucky you. I personally never liked the small potty thing - too much to clean up. I bought one of those potty chairs that sits on top of the toilet (and it even came with a step stool - nice). Worked great for us. From there, I asked if she had to go potty about 500 times every day. She s..l..o..w..l..y got the hang of it. Good Luck!!

Emily said...

I used a little potty for about 3 days with both my boys. I put it in the living room and we literally watched cartoons for 3 full days straight and I would not leave the room unless they went with me. After about three days they figured it out. Then we moved to the big potty, because I would agree the small one is pretty nasty to clean out. My boys both picked up the pee thing pretty quick but had a hard time with the poop. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Good luck. I don't have any advice but let me know how things work out because we will be doing this in about 6 months. I did see some really cool seats that sit on top of the toilet at walmart the other day. They were baseball, basketballs or footballs.

Veronica said...

Potty Training......those were the days. I remember Johnny being my hardest....of course he was the only boy....so I can't compare. He didn't want to be potty trained till he was good and ready. I tryed too soon and then it wasn't successful. I waited until he seemed like he was a little interested and MAGIC! So good luck and I am looking forward to seeing you on the 9th! Let me know time and place and what I can bring.....by the way....your mom invited me.
Love you,