Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Funny Coincidence

May 31, 2008

We decided to get out of the house and go get some ice cream. My very favorite flavor is "Ernestly Chocolate" at the BYU Creamery, so we decided to go there. It was a last minute decision b/c originally we were going to 31 flavors, but changed our minds at the last second. We were heading north on University Ave. just past my old stomping grounds "The Villa" (can I get a what!what! j/k) when Matt turned beside the soccer fields. In my typical passenger driving fashion I asked why he went this way and he didn't have an answer. But just then I looked towards the Smith Fieldhouse and noticed Cosmo Cougar standing there with some cheerleaders who were on their way to summer practice! I yelled "Pull Over!" I couldn't believe it and I actually had my camera on me which was also a little miracle! We haven't been to any games since Zack was born, so this was a pretty good coincidence. I was probably more excited than I should have been, but I thought it was neat b/c I never took a picture with the mascot while I was a student there. Zack wasn't that impressed (and neither was Matt for that matter-he's not a big BYU fan) but I'm glad Cosmo was nice enough to take a second with my son, and I'm happy that Matt chose the road he did that day. Oh by the way...the ice cream was AWESOME!


Deanna said...

Earnestly Chocolate is MY FAVE too! Though my 2nd fave is a pretty close 2nd-you should definitely try Ben and Jerry's Cinnamon Buns. A-MAZING!

ginger said...

i loved all the pictures and updates t-dog! that is the cutest of zack and cosmo!! and spencer has that same shirt "my mom rules" :)

Veronica said...

Keep this picture for Zach's wedding video! Priceless! Johnny would love this picture....where do you think we went for pictures just before he entered the MTC???The stadium! Love you and fun to see you blogging.