Thursday, June 26, 2008

June 8, 2008

Sundance Brunch

We went with our friends Bonnie and Jonathon Pace up to Sundance for brunch. It really is some of the BEST food I've ever eaten. We go there for special occasions, and this time we were celebrating Matt's new job with BlackBerry. We are excited about it and so far he seems to enjoy it. Bonnie is a co-worker of mine and a very dear friend. She is also my therapist! No really, she has to hear me "b and moan" about everything that ticks me off and try to calm me down when I get so angry and worked up about life. She is a friend that has been by me in some really good times and some really bad times. I only hope that I can be as good a friend to her and everyone else as she has been to me. Thanks Bonnie!

(I know my eyes are closed in the last picture-it was the only one I had with Zack)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zack is getting so big. I cannot wait to get my hands on him. Thank Bonnie for me for being there for you.