Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Official Day as a SAH mama...

August 25, 2008

I'm not going to lie...we rolled out of bed around 10 am. You have to remember we haven't been able to sleep in for a while. While we were getting ready Zack told me he had to go potty, so I had to hunt down the potty in all of our stuff and take him to the bathroom. He made it in time but wasn't very accurate. I spent a little while cleaning up pee off the bathroom floor. (I haven't really been pushing the potty issue since all of the moving, etc.) After we were ready I called my friend Ashley who then called our friend Ginger and we were able to hang out all together with a total of 6 kids. It wore Zack out! I loved spending time with them and catching up. We're all from SC and were roommates at BYU and have lots of good memories together. We are excited to be closer and have our kids know each other. Since y'all know I am using my mama's computer, I'm going to refer you to Ashley's blog to the right of my blog if you'd like to see pictures of us. (on her blog it is "Look Who's Back") I've got to go change a diaper now!


Coordination Queen said...

I'm so excited for you! It's so fun to be a sahm.

Veronica said...

Fun to hear about your new adventure. Oh the joys! Sometimes it is harder to stay will recognize those days. Keep blogging so we can read all about your new phase of life. Love you and miss you.